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Immediate & Free!
Get Ready in 4 steps

We have simplified the Onboarding Process to the maximum

Register for Free

Customize your Account

Watch the Tutorials Videos

Pay your first $10

Done, you are ready!

Go to and sign-up. 

You will have access for 24h00 to your CRM

Or contact our concierge if you are not comfortable 

Go to Profile and finish the set up:

  • Add your Websites & Social Networks

  • Add your Whatsapp 

  • Add your Payment Gateway

  • Add your Profile Pictures

Discover how easy it is to start leveraging on Wellnex. 

We have a series of quick and easy videos for you to:

  • Design your first QR code or links and send it to your clients or leads,

  • Be the first members of your app (how join, download, open and discover the Wellnex App)

  • Design your first publication and send it to your members as well as your social network

You want to extend?

  • We will send you a Stripe Link to collect your first $10 due for the month ahead.

  • Your next renewal will be due one month later on the same day, we collected your first payment, and

  • Every month, you will be deducted $10 only.

You have a question?

You want to cancel?

Just contact us via the platform and our integrated Whatsapp

  • We will respond within 2 hoo

  • We also organise regular refresher call​​, and

  • Update our clients on new functionalities and promotion every month

Just contact us via the platform and our integrated Whatsapp

  • We will respond within 2 hoo

  • We will cancel your renewal and 

  • You will have access to the remaining month until the day expiry

  • You can download your data automatically

  • We will delete your data one month after your cancellation

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