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$80 Allergy Consultation with ASCENT ENT during the Allergy Awareness Month

You may not feel well, dealing with multiple sneezing, Coughing, Redness, Watery eyes, or Swelling. What to do?

Get yourself tested!

This month Wellnex launches a campaign in partnership with Ascent ENT at Mount Elizabeth to get yourself tested and discover what could be the reason of having such symptoms.

Ascent ENT is a Ear Nose Throat Specialist with 6 doctors. They cover the main subspecialties known in ENT – Otology, Rhinology, Laryngology, Sleep Medicine & Surgery, and Paediatric ENT.

Consult with ASCENT ENT at is at Mount Elisabeth:

What they suggest if you deal with symptoms is to meet them.

All Wellnex members will pay the consultation at $80 (inclusive of GST) instead of $160.

During that consultation they will evaluate your symptoms, your lifestyle, your habits and environment to gauge if further investigation and effective testing should be done.

They have a table of all the tests they can do, either via a simple skin test or blood test. You will also can see the rate applicable for each and every test.

For any booking, please contact our concierge via the Wellnex App to ease and enjoy priority queue!

Each of them has undergone internationally-recognised fellowship training in their respective fields after completing ENT specialist training in Singapore.


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