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Discover Pilate

Pilates is a type of mind-body exercise developed in the early 20th century by Joseph Pilates, after whom it was named. It is practiced worldwide, especially in Western countries.

Pilates is a low impact exercise comprising controlled movements that enhance your balance, core strength, mobility, flexibility, and even mood. It focuses on the smaller and deeper muscles that support your structure and enhance your overall health.

What is the difference between yoga and Pilates? One of the main differences between Yoga and Pilates is that Yoga can be used for improving the flexibility of the body and it will also gradually increase the flexibility of your joints. Whereas Pilates focuses on trying to relax muscles which are tense and provide strengthening of the numerous muscles of the body.

Health benefits of Pilates?

It increased muscle strength and tone, particularly of your abdominal muscles, lower back, hips and buttocks (the 'core muscles' of your body) balanced muscular strength on both sides of your body. enhanced muscular control of your back and limbs. improved stabilisation of your spine.

The 5 Basic Pilates Moves:

1. Plank: the plank is one of the most trusty exercises out there. Set up with your hands shoulder-width apart on the floor and feet parallel, creating your best diagonal from your head to the tips of your heels. Draw your navel up and in at a diagonal between your shoulder blades, broaden your collar bones on every inhale, and lift your heart to broaden space between your shoulder blades without rounding. Narrow your outer hip bones without gripping your booty to activate your lower core. Hold up to one minute.

2. Lunge + arm raises: Stand with your feet four to six inches apart and parallel. Inhale, step your left foot forward and shift weight into all four corners of the left foot. The right heel will be raised. Exhale, then bend both knees as your torso lowers straight down. Allow your left knee to glide just in front of your ankle, aligning it with your first and second toes. Inhale lifting your torso up off of the hips to return to standing with two straight legs at the top. Exhale and lower into the lunge thinking of having your inner thighs "resisting away" from each other like two strong magnets to slow it down. Inhale to lift your ribs off of the pelvis and think of your inner thighs closing like a pair of scissors to stand. Do 12 on each side. Jordan adds that you can add small dumbbells in each hand to lift out into a wide "T" as you lower down to pump up the cardio.

3. Downhill ski: Start in a plank position, then exhale to shift your torso back behind your arms as your knees bend to the left. Inhale as you shift back, then exhale to shift your torso behind your arms, knees bending to the right. "Pro tip is to place a small ball between your legs a few inches above the knee to really target the inner thighs," says Jordan. Do 12 on each side.

4. Criss-cross: Lay on your back with your legs in tabletop position, hands interlaced below the base of your skull. Slowly lift your head, neck, and shoulders into a shallow curl, keeping lots of length on all sides of your spine. Inhale as your right shoulder blade peels off the floor and ribs rotate toward the left. As you rotate, the right leg extends at a diagonal. Exhale to return to center keeping your head and shoulders raised. Inhale as the left shoulder blade peels off the floor, ribs rotate towards the right, and the left leg extends at a diagonal. Don't touch your elbow to your knee—think "long front of body" instead, says Jordan. Do 12 on each side.

5. Single leg bridges: Lay on your back with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor with the outer thighs magnetized together. Take one small weight into each hand with your arms reaching straight up. Exhale to roll the pelvis like a gear wheel toward your navel to peel your hips off the floor, slowly following with the rest of the spine. Lift with length until you're in a bridge with no creases in the front of your hips, lengthening throughout the low back. Inhale, keeping knees together, and extend the right leg at a 45-degree angle. Hold and exhale as both arms open to the sides with a soft bend in the elbows until the hands hover over the floor. Inhale as arms bend to a 90-degree angle with elbows hovering over the floor and arms sweep back to start position. Exhale to slowly roll down from behind the heart to the pelvis.

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